The university has 9 undergraduate and 8 graduate majors. Currently, the university has 23 departments, as well as graduate, part-time and special part-time departments. Currently, 2 branches of the university are operating. A total of 10,256 students (1,823 under the state grant, 8,433 under the contract) study at the university. They are taught by 526 professors (24 professors, 4 specialist teachers recruited from abroad).
The Fund of the Information Resource Center of the Uzbekistan State University of Physical Education and Sports organizes 222962 publication units under 49578 titles. Including: Scientific 23930 copies, Educational manuals 176690 copies, Fiction 2106 copies. There are 1263 copies of other literature, 16252 electronic literature, 12 Braille literature. A full-text database is available.
Uzbekistan State University of Physical Education and Sports has unlimited access to foreign scientific programs: Web of Science, Ebsco, UzNel,,, databases. The Information Resource Center has 3 classrooms with 130 seats. Among them: the student study hall has 54 seats, the professor-teachers' study hall has 16 seats, the student study hall in the Palace of Culture has 60 seats.
The subscription service can be used by university users regardless of the faculty through a single educational card. In addition to master's dissertations, foreign literature is collected in the fund, which is constantly used by masters and students. Foreign magazines and newspapers related to the field can also be used.
There are 5 departments in the structure of the information-resource center, in which 15 employees work: Scientific-methodical and information-library department; Information-library resource collection, cataloging and systematization department; Service department with information resources; Departments of electronic information resources; Foreign information - department of working with library resources. The Information Resource Center of the Uzbekistan State University of Physical Education and Sports is actively adopting the latest technologies. An automation system based on modern technology was introduced in the library, as a result of which work was started in the automated library-information system "IRBIS 64+".
In addition, the issues of using uniform identification cards by university employees and students were also considered. It contains all information on current issues, including deadlines for returning documents and control over compliance with them. In addition, photocopiers and a CZUR scanner are installed, with which the necessary literature for library users can be scanned and sent to their e-mail or USB flash drive.
The University Information and Resource Center is the information-educational and cultural center of the university, which provides comprehensive support for quality education and training of highly qualified specialists; provides a book fund and modern electronic resources corresponding to the educational programs of the university; studies the needs of users in the process of continuous cooperation with faculties and departments, and also develops cooperation with other higher educational institutions in the city and the republic. In the daily educational and scientific process of the university, the library strives to create optimal conditions for its users. All activities of the library are aimed at making the reader feel comfortable, getting the necessary information, the attention of the staff and spiritual satisfaction from each visit.

Bo'lim boshlig'i: Nigmanova Malika Kuchkarovna
Qabul vaqti: Dushanba-Shanba ( 9 00 - 17 00 )
Telefon raqam: +998 97 401 26 77
Social network pages of the Information Resource Center